Friday, January 29, 2010

the smarter bitchh.

does anybody understand what Marilyn Monroe meant by this quote??.. Well i have some insiqht on it. the wise qirl kisses but doesnt love; to avoid qettinq hurt.. listens but doesnt believe to avoid beinq mislead; and leaves before she is left to avoid the embarrassment.
honestly; who the fuck wants to qet their heart broken? i certaintly don't. i'd rather break, before broke. && who wants to qive their full attention, [by listeninq] and and believinq, and in the end find out, everythinq they were just told, was simply just bullshit, and a way of the person to take advantaqe of them?? mane FCK that. and last but not least.. WHO IN THE FUCK WANTS TO BE LEFT? to have someone walk out on yuh??.. call me selfish.. or self centered.. but i'd rather leave, and avoid the risk of beinq embarrassed.
i quess all in all...some people would call this quote.. "selfish".. but i call this quote SMART DEN A BITCH.
if i could avoid beinq hurt, or taken advantaqe of, mislead, embarrassed.. please believe i'd take that route..
i think you'd be a damn fool not to. -& personally i'd rather qet money, then deal with the drama of beinq heartbroken you know..

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