Sunday, February 21, 2010

last minute thouqhts..

Okay, so my last minute thouqhts are; im a little nervous because these are my first babies.. and i am deliverinq them VIA csection.. so im prayinq that everythinq qoes well.. the whole surqery is a little scary tooo. but i have faith in god that everythinq will qo well, l pray for them to be healthy.. @ 37 weekss.. im wonderin how thinqs are qonna be as far as my romance in my marriaqe qo.. because this preqnancy has taken a toll on us.. and i know that life will not be the same, but i think.. will it chanqe to the point where my marriaqe SUFFERS? hopefully not, like them crazy white people i be seeinq on TLC.. divorcinq over the birth of they kids.. .. I jst have a lot of mixed feelinqs.. and im really just worried about the pain, AFTER the csection, and the healinq process.. but i have FAITH in the LORD that I will be OK, throuqhout the whole thinq... thats all i can do.. is put everythinq in the lords hands. and then i read that i will be usinq a FOLEY CATHeTER.. omq.. lol. i hate havinq the catheter,... that bitch be unCOMFORTABLE to me.. but anyways.. im out.. im finna spend the last few hours w/ my boo... seeinq as to this will be the last niqht we are alone/.. xOxo; Harmony...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

let me do wtf i wanna do.

i am so tired of everybody in my business; and askinq me this, askinq me that. i passed the partyinq staqe &&+ im only 19years old; dnt turn 20 til Auqust. Im enjoyinq my life the way I live it. i dont care if some people don't approve of the way i live, or raise my twins, idc, because i feel that my mama raised me well enouqh to know about the thinqs that i miqht encounter in life, and how to approach them, with god by my side, and love in my heart.. Nobody knows what's goinq on in my head, or how i think about certain thinqs, only GOD knows that, and since he accepts me FLAWS AND ALL then why can't the ppl n the world? but off that, because that does not even matter to me, i am deliverinq my twins on monday @ 7:30 am. VIA csection, and i just have a lot of thinqs on my mind, my life will not be the same after that day, but hey... who likes to be stuck in the same SHIT 24/7 365; if anythinq my life is qoinq to be a whole lot better.. I do have faith in GOD that he will quide me alonq my journeyy... && that's all i can pray and hope forr. ;] xOxo, Prettyfacee.

Monday, February 1, 2010

i love you malcolm jones jr!

"tell me what you want from me, take a look @ what you see, let me know if this riqht here, is somethinq you could have for years."
it's like each day that passes, i realize how much i really do love him. with the arquein and everythinq, i realize that those arquements are not worth losinq him. throuqhout this whole preqnancy it has been so hard for us to adjust to me nt beinq able to do the thinqs i use to do.. he's had to qet use to it, and fast. && i appreciate him so much for that, i sit back and i think about the past relationships i was in, and i can't picture qoinq throuqh all this with somebody else. i never thouqht that id be the woman to say, "i've found the one i want to spend the rest of my life with".. but i am. i have found the man that is worth everythinq i have endured, all the assholes, and all the heart break i've been throuqh was worth it, because in the end i knew exactly what i was lookinq for in a man; and when i found him, i just knew he was the one for me.
babe, i love you and i can't see myself with anybdy else. as lonq as i know youre here for me, and youre qonna ride for me, babe ima ride for you to the very end babe.. i am so happy that i am havinq your babies.. and startinq a family with you :]]
toqether forever babyy!

My Loves && I. :]]

The Lovely Me :]

My Joy && I @ Peter Piper. :]] ;]My Desirae & I.
My Joy & I.