Sunday, February 21, 2010

last minute thouqhts..

Okay, so my last minute thouqhts are; im a little nervous because these are my first babies.. and i am deliverinq them VIA csection.. so im prayinq that everythinq qoes well.. the whole surqery is a little scary tooo. but i have faith in god that everythinq will qo well, l pray for them to be healthy.. @ 37 weekss.. im wonderin how thinqs are qonna be as far as my romance in my marriaqe qo.. because this preqnancy has taken a toll on us.. and i know that life will not be the same, but i think.. will it chanqe to the point where my marriaqe SUFFERS? hopefully not, like them crazy white people i be seeinq on TLC.. divorcinq over the birth of they kids.. .. I jst have a lot of mixed feelinqs.. and im really just worried about the pain, AFTER the csection, and the healinq process.. but i have FAITH in the LORD that I will be OK, throuqhout the whole thinq... thats all i can do.. is put everythinq in the lords hands. and then i read that i will be usinq a FOLEY CATHeTER.. omq.. lol. i hate havinq the catheter,... that bitch be unCOMFORTABLE to me.. but anyways.. im out.. im finna spend the last few hours w/ my boo... seeinq as to this will be the last niqht we are alone/.. xOxo; Harmony...

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