Thursday, February 18, 2010

let me do wtf i wanna do.

i am so tired of everybody in my business; and askinq me this, askinq me that. i passed the partyinq staqe &&+ im only 19years old; dnt turn 20 til Auqust. Im enjoyinq my life the way I live it. i dont care if some people don't approve of the way i live, or raise my twins, idc, because i feel that my mama raised me well enouqh to know about the thinqs that i miqht encounter in life, and how to approach them, with god by my side, and love in my heart.. Nobody knows what's goinq on in my head, or how i think about certain thinqs, only GOD knows that, and since he accepts me FLAWS AND ALL then why can't the ppl n the world? but off that, because that does not even matter to me, i am deliverinq my twins on monday @ 7:30 am. VIA csection, and i just have a lot of thinqs on my mind, my life will not be the same after that day, but hey... who likes to be stuck in the same SHIT 24/7 365; if anythinq my life is qoinq to be a whole lot better.. I do have faith in GOD that he will quide me alonq my journeyy... && that's all i can pray and hope forr. ;] xOxo, Prettyfacee.

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