Sunday, June 6, 2010

"Hey Wife, Did you make Somethin To Eat?" "Whaaaa Wahhh. Mommy"

okies, so this is what my life is now.
number one; mommy. that ' s my first priority. always ! Make Sure My babies R Good. Healthy
and reachin each milestone of qrowth. Appointments, Grocery Shoppin, Spendin 2 hundred somethin
on MILk alone. ohh lord! Never Did I think Id do thatt.. Lol. THAT MUCH?!?! hot damn. buh its all qood, cause
ilm twins. (: the way my Amaya && Malcolm Smile @ Me when they Wake up.. and I love it When They Watch Me , gettin ready, and cleanin.. i love them.. As A matter of fact  MY SON iS SICKK.. UGHH, I HATE WHEN HE CRIES CAUSE SOMETHIN HURTS HIM, OR BOTHERS HIM.. IT HURTS MY HEART.. I WISH I CUD B SICK FOR HIM.

2; WIFE. Ohh yesssss. I stay beinq that THROWED ass wife. His Ride OR Die.
Cus The Way The Wrld Is You Never Know && I make It Where Im On Top
Of Shit. Aint SHIT gettin Passed His Bitch. Real Talk. I just love him so muchh
that sometimes it scares me, how deep can my love qo? and qet?
He Is My everythinq. && i mean that He Is my Friend, Adviser, Lover, Partner In Crime
Father Of My BaBies.. My Everythinqq! .

ehh, b bbackkkk.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

myy lifeee .

Okayyy , so I was sittin here tryna put my
Link on fb , & I fckd it upp , thannkss to danielle.
I qot it :) .
So , today I realized . That errbody is for themselves
& the only person I can depend on is my husband.
He ' s the only one who knows what I qo thru err day
& he understands when I flip out & y my attitude
Be like fck u , cuss people tryflinn , they fraudd .
They only around when it ' s convienant(spellinq*)
Buhh like I told my husband , fuck them & that
Shit cause I ' m doingg this shit for me & mines
& idgaf what a motherfucker thinkk , cause n the end
The only person I need to answer to is (GOD) ! Ilove my man
And my kids , & my f
Priorities is straiqht . I sit back & watch ppl and their ways
And when a fucka wanna say sumtin , fuck them .
I dnt need nann person helpin me . W/ a damn thingg .
Cause I'm gettin mine , my family is covered . Fuckwitme
If u feel that , if nt then gtf :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

lifee .

Via blackberry ; so I'm sittin outside while daddy is tryna braid my hair ! Lmfao; neways I saw my bestie last week ! And her bf nick . He 's cool people. As well ; I moved . Ahhhh . Siqh of relief. Fuck wb ! I 'm suppose to chill w/ lizzy aqain this friday & get tatted up ! I ' ll post pics then . Xoxo; mrs.jones (:

Sunday, February 21, 2010

last minute thouqhts..

Okay, so my last minute thouqhts are; im a little nervous because these are my first babies.. and i am deliverinq them VIA csection.. so im prayinq that everythinq qoes well.. the whole surqery is a little scary tooo. but i have faith in god that everythinq will qo well, l pray for them to be healthy.. @ 37 weekss.. im wonderin how thinqs are qonna be as far as my romance in my marriaqe qo.. because this preqnancy has taken a toll on us.. and i know that life will not be the same, but i think.. will it chanqe to the point where my marriaqe SUFFERS? hopefully not, like them crazy white people i be seeinq on TLC.. divorcinq over the birth of they kids.. .. I jst have a lot of mixed feelinqs.. and im really just worried about the pain, AFTER the csection, and the healinq process.. but i have FAITH in the LORD that I will be OK, throuqhout the whole thinq... thats all i can do.. is put everythinq in the lords hands. and then i read that i will be usinq a FOLEY CATHeTER.. omq.. lol. i hate havinq the catheter,... that bitch be unCOMFORTABLE to me.. but anyways.. im out.. im finna spend the last few hours w/ my boo... seeinq as to this will be the last niqht we are alone/.. xOxo; Harmony...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

let me do wtf i wanna do.

i am so tired of everybody in my business; and askinq me this, askinq me that. i passed the partyinq staqe &&+ im only 19years old; dnt turn 20 til Auqust. Im enjoyinq my life the way I live it. i dont care if some people don't approve of the way i live, or raise my twins, idc, because i feel that my mama raised me well enouqh to know about the thinqs that i miqht encounter in life, and how to approach them, with god by my side, and love in my heart.. Nobody knows what's goinq on in my head, or how i think about certain thinqs, only GOD knows that, and since he accepts me FLAWS AND ALL then why can't the ppl n the world? but off that, because that does not even matter to me, i am deliverinq my twins on monday @ 7:30 am. VIA csection, and i just have a lot of thinqs on my mind, my life will not be the same after that day, but hey... who likes to be stuck in the same SHIT 24/7 365; if anythinq my life is qoinq to be a whole lot better.. I do have faith in GOD that he will quide me alonq my journeyy... && that's all i can pray and hope forr. ;] xOxo, Prettyfacee.

Monday, February 1, 2010

i love you malcolm jones jr!

"tell me what you want from me, take a look @ what you see, let me know if this riqht here, is somethinq you could have for years."
it's like each day that passes, i realize how much i really do love him. with the arquein and everythinq, i realize that those arquements are not worth losinq him. throuqhout this whole preqnancy it has been so hard for us to adjust to me nt beinq able to do the thinqs i use to do.. he's had to qet use to it, and fast. && i appreciate him so much for that, i sit back and i think about the past relationships i was in, and i can't picture qoinq throuqh all this with somebody else. i never thouqht that id be the woman to say, "i've found the one i want to spend the rest of my life with".. but i am. i have found the man that is worth everythinq i have endured, all the assholes, and all the heart break i've been throuqh was worth it, because in the end i knew exactly what i was lookinq for in a man; and when i found him, i just knew he was the one for me.
babe, i love you and i can't see myself with anybdy else. as lonq as i know youre here for me, and youre qonna ride for me, babe ima ride for you to the very end babe.. i am so happy that i am havinq your babies.. and startinq a family with you :]]
toqether forever babyy!

My Loves && I. :]]

The Lovely Me :]

My Joy && I @ Peter Piper. :]] ;]My Desirae & I.
My Joy & I.

Friday, January 29, 2010

the smarter bitchh.

does anybody understand what Marilyn Monroe meant by this quote??.. Well i have some insiqht on it. the wise qirl kisses but doesnt love; to avoid qettinq hurt.. listens but doesnt believe to avoid beinq mislead; and leaves before she is left to avoid the embarrassment.
honestly; who the fuck wants to qet their heart broken? i certaintly don't. i'd rather break, before broke. && who wants to qive their full attention, [by listeninq] and and believinq, and in the end find out, everythinq they were just told, was simply just bullshit, and a way of the person to take advantaqe of them?? mane FCK that. and last but not least.. WHO IN THE FUCK WANTS TO BE LEFT? to have someone walk out on yuh??.. call me selfish.. or self centered.. but i'd rather leave, and avoid the risk of beinq embarrassed.
i quess all in all...some people would call this quote.. "selfish".. but i call this quote SMART DEN A BITCH.
if i could avoid beinq hurt, or taken advantaqe of, mislead, embarrassed.. please believe i'd take that route..
i think you'd be a damn fool not to. -& personally i'd rather qet money, then deal with the drama of beinq heartbroken you know..

Thursday, January 28, 2010

quick to judqe quick to hide faces .

it's funny the way some of ya'll think.. yuh know what im tum bout.. the stereotypes yall qive people..qod ain't qonna bless yall cause yall quick to say summ bout the next person; survivinq is a must, everybody qot they own problems; and ways to deal with them.. what's the difference between: the ppl who eat they problems away, drink they problems away, etc? weed eases muh mind, shit when my bills due, & i aint qot tha money, or my car need qas n i aint qot no ends fa that either.. that shit dnt feel qood mane when yuh know yuh aint doin to qood.. i aint depressed or confused.. sometimes a blunt is what help yuh feel me? i aint ashamed of it.. nor do i feel like it make me lesser than a woman cause i blow once in a while.. feel free to judqe me, if that is what makes yuh happy.. i aint promised this life im livinq im just here temporarily.. i dnt feel like i need to impress anybody nor do i feel like others peoples opinions matter.. im not close minded neither, yuh can say what yuh like that dont mean ima consider it yuh feel me? i hit a few rouqh patches n my life, buh i dun been throuqh so much that it aint finna stop me.. it miqht slow me down, but i feel like .. "i can play basketball with the moon i qot the whole world at my feet"

"im at the top of the top buh still i climb."

a person is capable of so much, buh will only accomplish what they put their minds to. just cause yuh dnt roll up a dolo solo dont mean yuh better than me.. that simply means WE ARE 2 DIFF. PEOPLE LIVING 2 DIFF LIVES.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Update Jan two thousand ninee.

i ain't been on here ina minute; and since

i haven't, i'm finna update ya'll now. So.................. here qoes. Well ohh eiqht was a bitch i'd have to admit, i had my own whip, had a niqqa, buhh beinq that i had been with him so lonq [07] we had problems; and i started fuckinq around, and not qivinq a fuck. yuhh knw; ladies, when a bitch fed up, shes just fed up. so anyways.. i started fuckinq up, qettinq fucked up; every niqht.. and what not;rollinq up bout 6,7 times a day;on drank,swervin and shit;not qivinq uhh fuck if tha laws stopped me..cause shit n my mind i was unstoppable..ppl was sayin i shud slow down, but i wus livinq n harmonys world..and i couldnt feel nothin yuhh know..i was numb to shit.. then in jan. i met this niqqa named Malcolm.. as yuhh can c thats the niqqa in the picture... << && i met him thru this quh i used to cut hard fuhh, buhh fuck ha yuhh feel me..anyways i met this niqqa one niqht, [fucked up like usual] and chopped it upp... then shitt.. after that we just started kickinq it hard den a bitch; and made that shit official 011909. eva since that we been tiqhter than spandex on a fat bitch.. we went thru some shit with these fuck ass fake ass ppl buhh at the end of that.. we cut em ALL LOOSE. buhhlieve dat.. i had a mc n febb; and qot preqnant aqain june 22nd w/ twins. so shit i had to slow the fuck down .. wayyyy the fuck down.. cause i was on a fast lane yuhh feel me.. SO NW ON TO TWO THOUSAND AND TEN.I AM NOW 34 WEEKS CARRYING THE TWINS.. AND CANNOT WAIT TO DROP THEM! AND MALCOLM AND I HAVE BEEN TOGETHER AND GOING STRONG EVER SINCE...